Atlas Sports offer a fully comprehensive, entirely bespoke service for every primary school they work with. Our offer does not just stop at delivering a PE lesson, we are on hand to support all schools in ensuring every aspect of physical education in their school is truly outstanding.
Our practical, in-school physical education CPD service underpins our aim of achieving excellence in the delivery of primary school PE. Working alongside our coaches, with plenty of opportunity to observe and ask questions, this CPD programme is designed to support the development of teaching styles and lesson ideas for all primary school teachers through a practical, lesson based approach. The best bit… we get to teach your children along the way!
Our PPA provision is rich with diversity, delivering traditional sports such as football, tag rugby and hockey; as well as unique and engaging alternative sports, such as ultimate frisbee and handball.
We offer a range of PPA provisions to help facilitate your school's needs. Whether you need a full school day of curriculum PE for your pupils, or just half a day, we are on hand to provide you with a hassle free solution to give your teachers the time they need out of the classroom.
Atlas Sports team teach provision provides a valuable opportunity to take a democratic and shared approach to the delivery of PE lessons. Over the course of a term or a year, one of our team will work closely with your school staff to deliver lessons together, sharing all aspects of delivery. Starting with observing our team in week 1, through to delivering a full lesson by the end of this programme, this progressive and shared approach to CPD has proved incredibly popular in our schools.
The Atlas Games Active Schools Network provides our schools with the opportunity to take part in a whole host of competitions and events, both in school and out. From tag rugby to swimming, athletics to dodgeball, our events are fully inclusive, whilst also giving the most talented children a chance to really shine.
Our CPD doesn’t stop in school. We offer a range of off-site CPD events throughout the school year to upskill staff in many areas of PE. In the last few years, we have covered a range of topics, including:
Working closely alongside our sister company, PE Pal, over the past decade, we have now successfully developed 50+ schemes of work in both traditional and non-traditional sports. Our schemes include content for all ages, with clear and comprehensive links back to the development matters framework and national curriculum. With each scheme being made up of 6 weeks worth of lessons, you will never be left wondering what to deliver next!
Our team of developers have taken our schemes of work digital and have successfully incorporated assessment and progress tracking to run directly alongside each lesson contained in our schemes. With the ‘on the go’ pupil assessment contained within the PE Pal schemes, each lesson allows teachers to assess children regularly, building a live and up to date profile of how each child is doing in PE.
For more information on our schemes of work and assessment and progress tracking:
We want to take you from fearing a deep dive in PE from Ofsted, to hoping you get one! Our senior leadership team are on hand to come and support your school in getting ready for inspection. Our thorough and rigorous ‘Mocksted’ framework, created by our expert team, will make sure all areas of PE are outstanding, providing recommendations where required. From the observation of practical delivery, all the way through to how you have used your PE funding, we will support you in getting everything to outstanding.
Atlas Sports work closely with many schools in creating and regularly reviewing their PE curriculum and long term plans. Our curriculum mapping and long term planning service provides schools with a second pair of eyes to put together a broad and varied curriculum offer for their children.
Atlas Sports offer a range of on-site training sessions, ranging from 1-hour twilights to full PE inset days. Much like our CPD events, we cover a broad spectrum of topics during these sessions, with each event being fully tailor made to the needs of each school.
Through our sister company, Atlas Camps, we offer multi-activity wraparound care, including both lunchtime and after school sessions. Atlas Camps wraparound care has something for everyone, from: Sports activities to face painting, arts and crafts to Nerf Wars; we really do cater for every child!
Make lunchtimes super fun by getting your KS2 children trained in delivering activities for the younger children. Our sports leaders training is a 6-week course designed to equip those in attendance with the skills required to lead lunchtime activities for small groups of children.